Journal Sponsorship


ul. Idziego Radziszewskiego 11, 20-031 Lublin
Budynek Biblioteki Głównej UMCS, III p., 
tel.: (081) 537 53 04;


The publication of the journal is financed by Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland, and is free for authors.

Issues 31 and 32 were published with financial support of the de minimis fund, granted by Minister of Science and Higher Education, within the programme „Wsparcie dla czasopism naukowych” (contract no. 318/WCN/2019/1 of 28 August, 2019).

English-language versions of issues 28-30 were financed by Minister of Science and Higher Education, project “Anglojęzyczna edycja roczników czasopisma Etnolingwistyka. Problemy języka i kultury w wersji elektronicznej (contract no. 02040/NPRH4/h3b/83/2016) within the programme “Narodowy program rozwoju humanistyki”.