The Cars that Ate the World. Images of vehicles in post-apocalyptic movies
The article concerns the motif of the vehicle as an important element of post-apocalyptic world. Some post-apocalyptic films show visions of humanity after the catastrophe using the image of the car which not only constitutes the element of space, but often influences the motivation or performs a symbolic function. Visual aspect of post-apo cars, lack of traditional destinations and almost compulsive using of vehicles by the protagonist and antagonist in such films like Mad Max series (directed by George Miller), Hell (directed by Tim Fehlbaum), Downstream (directed by Simone Bartesaghi), Damnation Alley (directed by Jack Smight), The Book of Eli (directed by Albert and Allen Hughes) seem to be really important for the vision of future (and contemporary) humanity.
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Date of publication: 2016-12-22 13:37:18
Date of submission: 2016-07-07 18:48:19
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