Practical Dimension of Higher Education and Modern Labour Market Requirements

Joanna Michalak-Dawidziuk


Changes in higher education aim at making it more practical. More stringent requirements in the labour market, intense competition and time pressure are not conducive for training new employees so that they can effectively perform their professional tasks. The expectations of the modern labour market are such that the employees should display up-to-date knowledge and good as a part of higher education reform to adapt study plans and programmes to labour market needs. The traditional model of education has been replaced with a new one based on knowledge, skills and competences. In the context of introduced changes, the importance of student placements allowing for gaining professional experience in real life conditions has grown. In order to adapt study programmes to current requirements, councils in which employers’ representatives sit, are established at HEIs. Monitoring of graduates’ careers also plays a significant role in improving the process of education. Career bureaus operating at HEIs also gather momentum. All these activities aim at supporting students and alumni in successful operation in the labour market.


labour market; study programmes; knowledge; skills; competencies

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Date of publication: 2015-07-09 21:45:43
Date of submission: 2015-07-09 12:40:39


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