The transmission of values in the families of migrants

Anna Tychmanowicz, Agata Goździewicz, Beata Zarzycka


the widely-understood social environment of an individual are of particular importance in shaping values and their system. In the case of migrants, the change of social environment is associated with the experience of cultural differences, new moral and legal norms, which can significantly modify the value system (Bera 2008, p. 33). Previous research on the families of migrants indicated some important phenomena. Divergence in values cherished in the host country and the country of origin may be the cause of many psychological problems (Sam 2000, p. 9). In addition, the values of the host country may be interpreted differently by the migrants themselves and their children. The most effective strategy of psychological adaptation to the new environment seems to be the combination of the values of both cultures, i.e. the heritage culture and the receiving culture. The purpose of this article is to present the results of the previous research dealing with the issues of the transmission of values in the families of migrants and to show the case study illustrating the analysed issue.


values; transmission of values; migration; families of migrants

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Date of publication: 2015-07-09 21:45:42
Date of submission: 2015-07-09 12:50:59


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