Creative Competence of Young People in the Perspective of Sustainable Development

Joanna M. Łukasik, Katarzyna Jagielska, Anna Mróz, Paulina Koperna


This article deals with creative competence as an integral component of competences for sustainable development. Previous research in this area became the subject of interest of Polish researchers who carried out a research project in southern Poland. The aim of the research was to explore and describe the level of creative competence among Polish adolescents. The survey method was used to achieve the assumed goals and answer the emerging research questions. The tool was a questionnaire developed for the purposes of the survey with 60 sentences determining the level of six key competences for sustainable development, including creative competence. The study involved 877 grade 7 and 8 primary school pupils and grade 1 to 4 secondary school pupils, i.e. those meeting the criterion of adolescence, in accordance with the adopted convenient selection of the research sample. The lowest creativity rates were achieved by females studying in schools in small towns, while the highest by males studying in schools in small towns. Pupils from rural areas showed a higher level of creativity than those from urban areas, just as males scored higher than females. It was recognised that the teaching process should abandon gender-based perception of pupils in traditional socio-cultural roles. In addition, the use of teaching strategies conducive to the development of creativity in pupils should be reinforced. For this purpose, the teacher training system should be modified so that it includes the development of creative potential.


creative competence; sustainable development; pupil; teacher

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Date of publication: 2021-06-12 13:30:14
Date of submission: 2020-10-29 10:56:33


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