Life aspirations held by youth with mild intellectual disability

Katarzyna Rusinek


The central topic of the present research report is the problem of life aspirations and plans for life made by youth with mild intellectual disability, who completing their school education have to meet the challenge of the adult life. The article includes also comparison between the life aspirations made by youth with mild intellectual disability and those made by youth in the same age without intellectual problems. The analysis of the data collected with the use of a little bit modified and adapted for my own needs B. Górnicka’s Questionnaire about plans for life of young people, indicates that the youth with mild intellectual disability do not differ, almost in any significant manner, from their fitter counterparts. Their life plans are very similar. The youth pursue the same values, display similar interests, intend to successfully finish schools and obtain professional qualifications, become self-reliant and set their own families, where they wish to bring up their children in health and happiness. They want to cultivate their interests and to spend the leisure time nicely in the company of family and friends. It is possible to say that dreams and plans for life of persons with mild intellectual disability which finish their schools are the same as dreams of every young man who is becoming involved in an adult life.

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Date of publication: 2015-05-14 13:52:00
Date of submission: 2015-04-17 11:43:21


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