Perfectionism and Self-Acceptance vs. Quality of Interpersonal Relationships

Liwia Chełminiak, Aleksandra Górska, Dorota Mącik


People with increased perfectionism have greater interpersonal difficulties. It can also be concluded that low self-acceptance may be associated with difficulties in relationships with others. The aim of the study was to investigate how self-acceptance explains closeness in interpersonal relationships and the level of positive relationships with others. It also focused on how closeness in relationships and the quality of relationships with others is explained by self-acceptance and some sub-dimensions of perfectionism. The sample consisted of 219 adults aged 18–64 (M = 32.63; SD = 12.96) who completed the Perfectionism Scale (BTPS), the Psychological Well-Being Scale (PWBS) and the Unidimensional Relationship Closeness Scale (URCS). The statistical methods included correlation and regression analyses. Self-acceptance explains the intensity of positive relationships with others as opposed to closeness in relationships. In terms of perfectionism, positive relationships with others were explained by self-acceptance, self-esteem conditioning and action doubt. The results are a prelude to further research on the relationship between perfectionism, self-acceptance and interpersonal relationships.


perfectionism; self-acceptance; interpersonal relationships; closeness; positive relationships with others

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Date of publication: 2024-03-14 10:37:24
Date of submission: 2023-05-30 22:23:01


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