Peer Violence at School in the Perception of Teachers, Parents and Students

Małgorzata Sitarczyk, Arkadiusz Dudziak


The study attempts to assess the intensity of various forms of peer violence in the school environment. The research allows for a broader exploration of the phenomenon of violence and the identification of most common forms of violence, places where it occurs, the competences to deal with the problem and the specifics of students’ search for social support. The analysis of the research results shows the perspectives of parents, teachers and students on the awareness of the occurrence of indirect or direct aggressive behaviours, proving insight into the extent to which these three groups communicate with each other. The data obtained allow to answer the question whether this problem is noticed to a similar extent by parents, teachers and students. The results of own research showed many differences between teachers, parents and students in the awareness of the occurrence of peer violence, which indicates the need to consider the role of the adult-child relationship in the effectiveness of preventive interventions. In addition, in the discussion were proposed forms of violence prevention and the possibility of seeking information and psychological support for both students and adults.


school; peer violence; psychological violence; bullying; preventive programs

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Date of publication: 2024-09-30 16:58:43
Date of submission: 2023-09-18 11:54:29


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