Cyberbullying – a Real Threat to Children and Young People. A Brief Review of Selected Intervention Programs

Amanda Błaszczak


The article aims to present the problem of cyberbullying and to show the practical use of selected intervention programs against online aggression among children and adolescents. In this research work, the literature review method was used. Currently, cyberbullying is an increasingly common social phenomenon not only in Poland but also in the world. This is a particularly important topic because it involves young people. The study focuses on the Internet as one of the most popular media, showing its positive aspects and various threats resulting from it. Then, the phenomenon of cyberbullying was characterized, emphasizing its various forms, which are primarily related to the actions of the aggressor online, and the effects suffered by the victim were presented. Taking into account the specificity of the problem and the dangers associated with it, potential preventive actions were also indicated. During the analysis of the problem, reference was made to various research meta-analyses in the discussed area. Particular attention was paid mainly to exemplary intervention programs against cyberbullying. Particular attention was paid to exemplary intervention programs against cyberbullying. The presented examples of support and assistance for children and adolescents showed significant improvement in their functioning, contributing to improving their quality of life.


cyberbullying; children; Internet; youth

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Date of publication: 2024-09-30 16:58:48
Date of submission: 2024-01-01 13:04:56


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