Personal Comprehension of Meaning: Content, Strategies, Peculiarities

Yevhen Karpenko


The article provides an analysis of modern views on the problem of meaning comprehension and determines correlation between values, senses and motivation of human behavior. It has been established that motivation is closely associated with activity. Being expressly target determined it promotes the realization of creative values. Other meaning comprehension strategies include phenomenological design of actualized experience values and transcendental values used in psychotherapy to encourage the counselee and facilitate his personal growth. For this purpose a component of positive psychotherapy known as a technique of counter-concept formulation is used. The article stresses the importance of an organismic sense as personal embodiment of experience. Being the basis of love it suggests an intuitive choice of meaning comprehension strategies. An organismic sense is inherent in every individual and forms the transpersonal spiritual unity of mankind. It has been indicated that meaningful life is characterized by a wide scope of inescapable existential experiences ranging from happiness to suffering.


values; meaning; psychotherapy; motivation; organismic sense

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Date of publication: 2016-09-07 12:34:44
Date of submission: 2016-02-25 13:23:49


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