Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction as a Method Supporting the Process of Coping with Stress and Professional Burnout among Nurses

Anna Błaszczak


The paper refers to the problem of stress and burnout experienced by nurses and discusses possibilities of preventing those main causes of decreased job satisfactions. In the elaboration, the sources of stress in the nurse work were presented, as well as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction training as a response to those psychosocial difficulties. Studies that demonstrate effectiveness of MBSR in decreasing experienced stress and symptoms of burnout were presented and discussed.


burnout; stress; nursing; mindfulness; MBSR

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/j.2017.30.4.245
Date of publication: 2018-03-14 13:25:06
Date of submission: 2017-11-14 16:05:34


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