The Risk of the Professional Burnout of Workers of Social Service

Teresa Zbyrad


The phenomenon of the professional burnout wakes the more and more greater interest on the psychologists, educators and sociologists’ side. During the last 30 years, many theories about syndromes of the professional burnout appeared. The emotional exhaustion, the excessive distance in relation with people and matters, which one serves, until the loss of emotional engaging – these are generally experienced aspects of the syndrome of the professional burnout. The objective treatment of customers, schoolchildren, patients or suppliants can be its effect. The researches on the issue of burnout, which involve repeatedly new professional groups, are conducted on the large scale. Menial occupations, whose essence is to help the other person, are threatened by the risk of the professional burnout. To these occupations the next are included: welfare workers, teachers, nurses, doctors, policemen, emergency services, etc. The object of the article is to pay attention to chosen models of the professional burnout, its conditioning and to get the answer to the question, why the risk of the professional burnout is included into the occupations which aim is to serve the other person.


professional burnout; menial occupations; social service; welfare workers; teachers; nurses; help the other person

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Date of publication: 2018-03-14 13:24:56
Date of submission: 2017-12-06 19:41:47


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