Transfer of Emotions in Audiovisual Translation: A Study of Polish Subtitles of Selected English and French Films

Agnieszka Stawecka-Kotuła


In recent years, easier access to foreign film productions in Poland has resulted in a growing need for audiovisual translations. Digital technologies and new means of film and TV series distribution have made film subtitles more and more popular not only with filmgoers but also with home viewers. Despite its obvious advantages, the choice of subtitling imposes on the translator major constraints determining the form and the content of the target text. Condensation being the underlying principle of subtitling, the original is subject to serious reformulations and omissions. Since personalities of individual film characters are revealed, to a great extent, through the expression of their emotions, the purpose of this article is to verify how the emotive function of source film dialogues translates into subtitles. To achieve this aim, selected English and French films have been studied together with their Polish subtitles.


audiovisual translation; subtitling; linguistic means of expressing emotions; the emotive function of language in subtitling; emotions in subtitling

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Date of publication: 2019-04-26 10:22:34
Date of submission: 2018-08-01 03:10:35


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