Cultural Image of Trivial Mentality as a Civilizational Construct of Technological Consumer Society
The subject of the research was an attempt to show a perspective of formation of a new type of human mentality and show the circumstances leading to its origin. From the ideological and economic perspective, the above-mentioned changes necessitate profound pedagogical consideration, not only in the area of methodology of work with the student but, above all, in the axiological sphere, focusing on emergence of new quality of mentality, which is on the one hand rooted in locality but on the other hand aiming at globality. Such a research perspective opens questions of quality of this new existence, of educational goal and of a direct influence of culture on the individual’s social life. Will this new existence be based solely on globality? Will mere unification be enough to give it any purpose or will it meander at the border of locality, returning to the 20th-century’s image of confinement to prejudices and ideologies, only archiving and copying the experiences of the twentieth century?
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Date of publication: 2019-10-31 17:20:10
Date of submission: 2018-12-13 14:16:56
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