Participatory Budgeting – the Case of the Slovak Republic

Michal Garaj, Jakub Bardovič

Streszczenie w języku polskim

This paper deals with the issue of participatory budgeting as one of the newer tools of political participation. Its aim is to characterise the current situation in the Slovak Republic at two levels of territorial self-administration (self-governing regions and municipalities). To reach defined aims, it monitors the existence of legislative settings at the national level, the existence of individual settings at the observed levels and subsequently the practical application of the participatory budgeting itself. Procedures associated with the study of documents are used in article; the obtained data are summarized, described and compared mutually. In addition to laws and regulations issued by self-government units, the source of data is also the regional and local self-government units’ official websites. In the absence of one universal definition of the participatory budgeting rules at the national level, the findings have shown that there are relatively extensive conditions for implementing participatory budgeting with its specific settings defined by self-administrations. In Slovakia, participatory budgeting is only gradually introduced into the internal rules, which reflects a relatively small number of municipalities or self-governing regions, which ultimately use it effectively.

Słowa kluczowe

participatory budgeting, political participation, Slovakia, self-governing regions, municipalities

Pełny tekst:

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Data publikacji: 2021-01-26 15:37:20
Data złożenia artykułu: 2020-04-15 00:19:38


Widoczność abstraktów - 1922
Pobrania artykułów (od 2020-06-17) - PDF (English) - 1060


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Prawa autorskie (c) 2021 Jakub Bardović, Michal Garaj

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