Roman Ingarden’s Theory of the Literary Work of Art: A Cognitive Grammar Reassessment
Based on Langacker’s conception of grouping, the paper reformulates the basic assumptions of Ingarden’s theory of the literary work of art in terms of the Cognitive Grammar approach. The claim is made that, given a gestalt-based approach to the multi-stratal nature of the literary work as envisioned by Ingarden, the idea of grouping is a perfect methodological tool to apply in a holistic analysis as developed within cognitive poetics (sensu Stockwell). An incremental cognitive process, grouping “transcends” – in a gestalt-like fashion – all “levels” of conceptual organization. For illustrative purposes, the paper recasts Ingarden’s analysis of Mickiewicz’s “The Ackerman Steppe” in terms of Cognitive Grammar.
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Date of publication: 2023-03-17 10:37:04
Date of submission: 2022-10-26 13:16:40
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