Mediatization Studies

“Mediatization Studies” is an a peer-reviewed open access international scientific journal devoted to media studies and mediatization topic. The aim of the journal is to create the space for exchanging and publishing theoretical ideas and research results devoted to mediatization process by developing critical understanding of mediated communication based on theory-informed investigation.

The journal „Mediatization Studies” publishes original, previously unpublished texts. Publication of papers (articles, reviews, interviews etc.) in Mediatization Studies is free of charge and no payment from authors will be expected. There are no submission and publication fees.

Points MEiN: 20

ISSN: 2451-1188
e-ISSN: 2720-6106


Mediatization Studies
Wydział Politologii i Dziennikarstwa UMCS
ul. Głęboka 45
20-612 Lublin

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Mediatization inclusion in DOAJ


We are pleased to announce that on 12 September 2023 Mediatization Studies  has been accepted for inclusion in DOAJ. You can check the status of the journal here:


Posted: 2023-11-06

Mediatization Studies in ERIH PLUS


On August the 4th 2020, the journal has been approved for inclusion in ERIH PLUS. The ERIH PLUS listing of the journal is available at


Posted: 2020-08-04
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Vol 8 (2024)

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