
Issue Title
Vol 3 (2019) Mediatization of (Im)mobility Experiences: New Media Use of (Im)mobile Groups Abstract  PDF
Sander Salvet, Anu Masso
Vol 7 (2023) Mediatization of the parliamentary election campaign. The case of national democracy in 1922 Abstract  PDF (Polish)
Ewa Maj
Vol 1 (2017) The present tense of mediatization studies Abstract  PDF
Łukasz Wojtkowski
Vol 3 (2019) Religious Outlook in Times of Deep Mediatization. A Case Study of the Print Media of the Russian Orthodox Church in Great Britain and Ireland Abstract  PDF
Łukasz Fajfer
Vol 3 (2019) The Bias of Mediatization: Utopia in Charlottesville Abstract  PDF
Nikola Mlađenović
Vol 5 (2021) Mediatization Cartography: Two Questions about Mediatization of Religion in Central and Eastern Europe Abstract  PDF
Damian Guzek
Vol 5 (2021) Mediatisation of film discourse on the example of Pawel Pawlikowski's 'Cold War' (2018) - results of own research Abstract  PDF
Joanna Najbor
Vol 7 (2023) Perceiving Media Change as a Form of Media Literacy: Using a 360-Degree Video to Analyze the Mediatization of Social Life Abstract  PDF
Moritz Schweiger, Jeffrey Wimmer
Vol 7 (2023) Review of Contemporary Challenges in Mediatisation Research edited by Katarzyna Kopecka-Piech and Göran Bolin, Abingdon: Routledge2023, ISBN 978-1-032-34681-6 Abstract  PDF
Mateusz Sobiech
Vol 8 (2024) Mediatization and Justice: How Public Participation Influences Legal Processes Through Online Discovery Abstract  PDF
Azi Lev-On
Vol 8 (2024) Abstract  PDF
Nikola Mlađenović
Vol 4 (2020) Mediatization of Social Reality and Media Experience of Seniors Abstract  PDF
Joanna Kukier
Vol 1 (2017) Conceptualizing mediatization: Is `Have your say´ a kind of transnational public sphere for public deliberation? Abstract  PDF
António Alberto Castro Baía Reis
Vol 1 (2017) Mediatization Studies and Cultural Studies: A Possible Dialogue for Further Critical Analysis? Abstract  PDF
Myriam Durocher
Vol 1 (2017) Populism in Bulgaria Between Politicization of Media and Mediatization of Politics Abstract  PDF
Lilia Raycheva, Dobrinka Peicheva
Vol 1 (2017) On the concept of figurations, deep mediatization, and the adulthood of media and communication studies – the interview with Andreas Hepp Abstract  PDF
Jakub Nowak
Vol 1 (2017) Field-specific mediatization: Testing the combination of social theory and mediatization theory using the example of scientific communication Abstract  PDF
Corinna Lüthje
Vol 6 (2022) The Uneven Costs of Connection: Mapping Deep Mediatization Under COVID-19 Abstract  PDF
André Jansson
Vol 2 (2018) Mediations of the body: towards biosurveillance and biocontrol Abstract  PDF
Piotr Celiński
Vol 5 (2021) Post or Perish? – Scholarly Communication Practices on Social Media in Times of Deep Mediatization Abstract  PDF
Franziska Thiele, Corinna Luethje
Vol 5 (2021) Building Narrative Capacity in Mediatized Times: A Study of KOD Social Movement in Poland Abstract  PDF
Barbara Brodzińska-Mirowska, Łukasz Wojtkowski
Vol 5 (2021) Mediatization of Colloquial Language Abstract  PDF
Anna Granat
Vol 4 (2020) The Subject in Times of Media and Social Change. The Analytic Potential of the Mediatization Approach Using the Case of Retro Gaming Abstract  PDF
Jeffrey Wimmer
Vol 4 (2020) Post-Convergent Mediatization: Toward a Media Typology Beyond Web 2.0 Abstract  PDF
Rubén Ramírez
1 - 24 of 24 Items

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