Translation of Video Games in the Context of Polish Localizations

Damian Gacek


This article presents the notion of translation in the context of localizations of video games. It introduces a theory as well as analysis of chosen video games and studies the process of translation. The author considers the obstacles which can be encountered by translators, as well as methods which are used in the process of localization. The author analyses games from different genres: Ace Ventura (1997, adventure), Baldur’s Gate (1998, RPG) and Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos (2002, RTS), where the plot (and as a consequence its translation) is very important. The author studies fragments from these games and tries to explain and critique (if necessary) the choices taken by translators.


translation; localization; polonization; video games;

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Date of publication: 2019-09-13 22:32:52
Date of submission: 2019-02-13 10:30:07


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