Author Guidelines
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Annales UMCS sectio B features articles (in Polish or English) devoted to Earth and environmental sciences as well as to widely-understood socio-economic geography (including tourism) and spatial management.
Materials submitted for publication should be original works which have not been published by, or submitted for publication to, any other publisher.
The journal does not charge any fees for publishing an article. This means that there is no cost to the author for any of the steps in the publishing process from submission of the manuscript to publication of the text.
All articles are subject to a review process (
Submit an article
Articles are submitted via our website:
Files should be prepared in accordance with the following:
TEXT FILE (obligatory)
The manuscript must contain the full text and graphics (tables, figures).
- File 1: percentage contribution statement (a template statement available in the system, under the first step of the process of submitting text for publication)
- File 2: the list of figures and tables (Polish and English)
- File 3: tables
- File 4: figure 1
- File 5: figure 2
- File 6: figure 3, etc.
Text formatting
The whole article, together with illustrations, should not exceed 12–15 pages, including abstract, tables, illustrations and reference list. Text format should be as follows: MS Word, Times New Roman 12-point font size; 1.5 line spacing; 1.25 cm paragraph indents; no word hyphenation; justified; 2.5 cm margins. The hierarchy of titles can be used, with two levels at maximum.
Structure of article
- Title of the paper in Polish and English (title should be concise, the use of abbreviations, formulas and numbers is not recommended)
- Abstract in Polish
- Keywords in Polish
- Abstract in English
- Keywords in English
- Introduction (theoretical background)
- Materials and methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- Sources of Funding
- References
Please note: After receiving positive reviews, the author completes the file with the following information:
- Name and surname of the author (s)
- Author (s) affiliation
- ORCID number of the author (s)
Beata Hołub
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Faculty of Earth Science and Spatial Management, Department of Geomorphology and Paleogeography, al. Kraśnicka 2d, 20-718 Lublin, Poland,
Abstract (in Polish and English)
The abstract should contain approximately 200 words and should consist of: a short description of the study object, the essence of the applied method, the most important results, and conclusions. Its language must be the same as the language of the article. The abstract should inform the reader about the article’s content.
Any references to literature should be avoided, however, if necessary, cite the author(s) and the year(s). Additionally, non-standard abbreviations should be avoided.
3–5 keywords, referring to the article subject, should be provided, both in English and Polish. The keywords are used for indexation purpose.
Introduction – the current state of knowledge in the discussed issues should be briefly presented on the basis of a review of national and international literature on the subject. The choice of the research topic should be justified and the aim of the work should be clearly stated.
Research area – only in case of articles that focus on the given area. Information related to the given area, necessary from the point of view of achieving the work objective, should be briefly presented.
Materials and methods – details of the methods should be provided in order to enable other researchers to use the described methodology. Methods that have already been documented should be included as a reference and the source should be cited. Any modifications to existing methods should be described as well.
Results – the results obtained should be presented, discussed, and arranged in a logical sequence, with the justified use of tables, figures, etc.
Discussion shows whether the obtained results confirmed the hypothesis, as well as discusses them against the background of the achievements of predecessors.
Conclusions must present, in a clear and unambiguous way, research results and their theoretical and practical implications.
Acknowledgments (optional) are a formal statement in which the Author thanks and acknowledges the contribution of the person(s) during conducting the research (e.g. by providing linguistic support, help in writing or proofreading the article).
Funding sources (optional) should be listed in a way that meets the requirements of the financial institution.
Citation in text
The literature should be cited by mentioning the author’s surname and publication year e.g. (Mojski, 1993; Ashley, Warren, 1997; Zuchiewicz et al., 2007; Łanczont, Madeyska, (ed.) 2015).
Tables must be numbered (Arab figures) in the order of appearance in the article and must contain headings (in Polish and English). All table columns should have explanatory headings (in Polish and English, written in italics). Tables should not contain data which is already presented elsewhere in the text (e.g. in figures).
Tables should be sent in a separate file (as additional files) in Word or Excel format.
Figures (maps, photographs, diagrams)
Figures must be numbered (Arab figures) in the order of appearance in the article and must contain captions (in Polish and English). They must be prepared in the adequate resolution (minimum of 300 dpi – color and 600 dpi – grey). Figure labels must be provided in Polish and English – written in italics if the article is in Polish.
Figures should be prepared in the sizes suitable for publication with no need of size reduction. The maximum printing size is 173 mm × 126 mm.
Each figure should be sent separately (as an additional file) in TIF, JPG, BMP, PNG or CorelDraw format.
- from 2024, bibliography is prepared in APA style, i.e. according to the scheme:
Author's surname, first name initial (year of publication). Title of book. Place of publication: Publisher.
Surname, initial of first name (year of publication). Article title. Journal title, year number (issue number), page range. DOI (active link)
Bernat, S. (2017). Wartość krajobrazu dla rozwoju turystyki w uzdrowiskach. Annales UMCS sec. B, 72(2), 97–126. DOI:
Long, H., Zhang, Y., Tu, S. (2019). Rural vitalization in China: A perspective of land consolidation. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 29(4), 517–530. DOI:
Surname, initial of first name (year of publication). Title of book. Place of publication: Publisher.
Mojski, J.E. (1993). Europa w plejstocenie. Ewolucja środowiska przyrodniczego. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Polska Agencja Ekologiczna.
Matsui, K. (2014).
Geography of Religion in Japan. Tokyo: Springer Japan. DOI: in the book
Surname, initial of first name (year of publication). Title of chapter. In: initial of first name, surname (ed.), Title of book (page range). Place of publication: Publisher.
Zuchiewicz, W., Badura, J., Jarosiński, M. (2007). Aktywne uskoki Polski. In: M. Harasimiuk, T. Brzezińska-Wójcik, R. Dobrowolski (ed.), Budowa geologiczna regionu lubelskiego i problemy ochrony litosfery (pp. 253–259). Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS.
Hall, C.M., Mitchell, R., Sharples, L. (2003). Consuming places: the role of food, wine and tourism in regional development. In: C.M. Hall, L. Sharples, R. Mitchell, N. Macionis, B. Cambourne (ed.),
Food tourism around the world: development, management, and markets (pp. 340–343). Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann. DOI:
Roman, M. (2011). Szczegółowa Mapa Geologiczna Polski w skali 1:50 000, arkusz Gostynin (481). Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy.
Legal acts
Ustawa o mniejszościach narodowych i etnicznych oraz o języku regionalnym z dnia 6 stycznia 2005 roku. Dz.U. z 2005 r. nr 17, poz. 141.
Internet sources
Title (year of publication). Online: full URL and date of access (day, month, year).
Główny Urząd Statystyczny (2017). Statystyka międzynarodowa. Online: (9.04.2019).
World Development Report (2019). Online: (5.04.2019).
References should be indicated in the text with the author's name in brackets followed by the publication details:
- citation in brackets: (Wesołowska, 2018) or (Flaga & Wesołowska, 2020) or (Krukowska et al., 2014) if there are more than two authors
- in-text citation: according to Wesołowska (2018), according to Flaga & Wesołowska (2020), with three or more authors: according to Krukowska et al. (2014)
When citing a text passage verbatim, the page number is given according to the scheme (Flaga, 2020, pp. 10-11).
When two or more publications are referred to in a single footnote, they should be ordered alphabetically by the name of the first author of each. The individual papers are separated by a semicolon, e.g.: (Flaga, 2012; Krukowska, 2009; Wesołowska, 2018).
Different publications by the same author from the same year of publication are marked with the letters a, b, c, etc. in ascending order (from the oldest).
Figures and tables
All the figures and tables must be referred to in the article. They must also be numbered in the order of appearance, contain captions/headings in Polish and English, and provide sources.
Fig. 1. Research area location (author’s study)
Tab. 1. Nature protection forms in Poland and the Lubelskie Voivodeship in 2013 (author’s study on the basis of Environment Protection 2014)
Copyrighted material contained in the article
Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to use any copyrighted material from other sources. This requirement applies to both direct reproduction and “derivative reproduction” (in case you have created figures or tables using, to a large extent, data from the copyrighted material).
After the successful submission of a manuscript, Authors receive an automated confirmation e-mail.