Psychoeducation of Female Psychology Students and the Dynamics of Their Health Behaviour

Agnieszka Kulik, Ewelina Frańczyk


The period of studies is a time of new tasks, lifestyle changes, including taking up risky behaviors. As a result, health behaviours related content has been introduced into the curriculum and a number of student prevention programs have been developed. The aim of the research described in this article was to evaluate the health education program conducted as part of the basic education mode and to identify changes in taking up of female students’ health behavior. It was assumed that the overall index of health behavior would increase by increasing pro-health behavior and reducing anti-health behavior. Psychology female students were included in the research. The Health Behavior Inventory (IZZ) by Juczyński and the personal survey were used to assess the overall severity of health behaviors and its components (health practices, preventive behaviors, correct eating habits, positive mental attitude). The study consisted of two measurements. The first of them was carried out on a group of 98 first-year female students (aged 19–23) of full-time long-cycle master’s degree programme, and the second one was conducted four years later on the same group of students. As a result of both measurements, 58 complete research sets were obtained. The conducted analyzes allow to state no differences between the two measurements with regard to the general level of health-related behaviors and its components.


health behaviors; female students; education; research

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Rozporządzenie Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z dnia 26 września 2016 r. w sprawie warunków prowadzenia studiów (Dz.U. 2016, poz. 1596).

Date of publication: 2021-06-12 13:30:17
Date of submission: 2020-10-28 17:02:33


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