The Relationship between Early Maladaptive Schemas and Sense of the Meaning of Life and Well-being

Bartosz Gubernak, Przemysław Król, Małgorzata Kuzyk, Dorota Mącik


The research investigated 120 students from universities in Lublin. It was carried out using Young’s Early Maladaptive Schema Questionnaire, Wong’s Personal Meaning Profile Scale and Ryff and Keyes’s Scale of Psychological Well-Being. This concluded that there is a definite link between Early Maladaptive Schemas with the resultant meaning of life and personal well-being in individuals. The greater the intensity of EMS, the lower the perceived sense of the meaning of life and well-being. There exists a strong negative correlation between Social Isolation schema and the relations-centered dimensions of the meaning of life and well-being. Schemas involving self-perception (how a person sees themselves), their relationships with others and their interaction with their surroundings link into the person’s approach to themselves, others and the world around them. With reference to “schema therapy”, an interesting development for further research into links between EMS, quality of life, sense of self and well-being would be to investigate persons who had decided to take up this therapy. Examination of results could enable answers as to how, and to what degree, changes due to therapy may result in the modification of the negative correlation between EMS and the quality and meaning of life.


early maladaptive schemas; quality of life; well-being; the meaning of life

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Date of publication: 2019-02-26 17:52:11
Date of submission: 2018-07-24 15:01:10


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