School as an (Un)Safe Place: The Student’s Perspective

Danuta Wosik-Kawala


Apart from a family, a school is one of the longest-lasting educational environments influencing a human being. In a targeted and planned manner, a school deals with the education and upbringing of young people. It is here that children and youth acquire knowledge and experience, develop skills, learn to interact with others, compare themselves with their peers. It is, therefore, important that schools create appropriate, favourable conditions for the intellectual, emotional and social development of a student. One of the conditions is the sense of safety of a student at school. This article has been devoted to the issue of the subjective feeling of safety of students at school. On the basis of the research carried out among students of high school and technical school, the author tries to determine whether in the perspective of the examined students, their school is a safe place for them. Based on the obtained results, the author draws attention to the importance of the teacher–student relationship in the context of the students’ sense of safety at school. It shows the students’ perspective in the assessment of the school as a (un)safe place.


safety; school; teacher; youth

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Date of publication: 2019-12-20 11:03:22
Date of submission: 2019-04-29 17:20:38


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