The Role of Mental Spaces in Building Metaphors: The Case Study of the "flądra" Nickname in Polish
The aim of the research is to recognize the role of mental spaces in meaning construction of the nickname flądra in Polish [English: slut; literally: a flounder], received on the ground of the real discourse extracts retrieved from the Polish Corpus. The meaning of the nickname is obtained by examining the metaphors underlying it, which are motivated by various contextual factors, e.g. the speaker’s gender and discourse registers. The results obtained in the study reveal that the meaning of the flądra nickname is based on five metaphorical dynamic structures organized hierarchically, from which the mental-spaces level provides for the novel meaning of flądra.
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Date of publication: 2023-07-19 13:53:56
Date of submission: 2022-11-08 16:55:21
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