Considerations about the rhotic consonants

Piotr Sorbet


In various languages of the world, the so-called rhotic consonants arouse great interest of linguists. This is because these sounds are usually attributed to certain peculiar articulatory, acoustic, auditive and other characteristics. In addition, the functions they perform in phonological systems are, relatively frequently, quite complex. Spanish, in this aspect, turns out to be a specific language. Indeed, in addition to having two consonants of this type, it is a language where these sounds work in such a way as to provoke numerous descriptive, methodological and other problems. Hence, according to our perspective, Spanish can serve as a starting point for contrastive works within the framework of the rhotic consonants. For this reason, in this contribution our aim is to concisely present certain problems linked to the Spanish rhotic consonants indicating, at the same time, the features that differentiate them from the sounds that work in other languages that we have selected for this work.


Rhotic consonants; trill consonants; flap consonants; Spanish consonant


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Date of publication: 2018-04-06 09:58:09
Date of submission: 2017-11-09 21:34:08


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