Tarkan Gündüz ORCID iD Pamukkale University
School of Foreign Languages
Kınıklı Campus, 20070, Denizli Turkey
Tarcan Gündüz is a lecturer at Pamukkale University, School of Foreign Languages, Kınıklı Campus, 20070, Denizli, Turkey, tgunduz@pau.edu.tr
Selected Publications:
2018 (with F. Kılıçkaya & K. Çetin): Talking about hypothetical conditions and results. In C. Rylance & A. Kevech (Eds.), New Ways in Teaching Grammar (2nd ed.) (pp. 146-148). Alexandria, VI: TESOL Press.
2017 June, 15 (with F. Kılıçkaya, F.): Erasmus students’ experiences abroad: Does the local English training on speaking and listening help them? The 3rd International Language, Culture & Literature Symposium Abstracts (p. 49). Antalya Turkey.
Ferit Kılıçkaya is Professor at Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University in Burdur, Turkey; the Faculty of Education; Department of Foreign Language Education. His academic rank is Doctor of ELT (English Language Teaching). Speciality: applied linguistics. His scientific interests/fieldsofstudy (research):teaching language skills; integrating language skills; technoloy enhanced language learning; language testing. e-mail: ferit.kilickaya@gmail.com
Selected publications:
2020: Adult language learners' informal employment of ICT applications and websites to assess their English skills. In R. Ahmed, A. Al-Kadi, & T. Hagar (Eds.), Enhancements and limitations to ICT based informal language learning: Emerging research and opportunities (pp. 89-111). IGI Global.
2020: Learners’ perceptions of collaborative digital graphic writing based on semantic mapping. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 33(1-2), 58-84. DOI:10.1080/09588221.2018.154491.
2019. Materials design in CALL: A case study of two teachers of English as creators of digital materials. In: C. N. Giannikas, E. Kakoulli Constantinou, & S. Papadima-Sophocleous (Eds.), Professional development in CALL: A selection of papers (pp. 131-144). Voillans, France. Research-publishing.net. DOI: 0.14705/rpnet.2019.28.87.
2019. Pre-service English teachers’ views on coursebook evaluation and designing supplementary materials. Kastamonu Education Journal, 27(2), 523-536. DOI:10.24106/kefdergi.2574.
2019 (with K Çetin): A systematic review of research on reading in English on screen and on paper. Lingua Posnaniensis, 60(1), 7-21. DOI:10.2478/linpo-2019-0001.