Migrations of Craftsmen in Polish Lands in the Middle Ages and on the Threshold of Modern Times According to Archival Sources

Janusz Tandecki


The oldest, medieval travels of journeymen who searched for work in other cities were initially treated as natural prolongation of their study period. Over time, such migrations became an important way to find a job or higher wage, although the desire to deepen professional skills or meet new people and get acquainted with new places were other important factors. Since the 15th century, the obligation of additional travel might have been treated as a punishment after an unsuccessful attempt to deliver proof of technical competence (the „masterpiece”). It happened also that departing from workshops could be the result of conflict situations between journeymen and their masters. Wars fought in the Middle Ages or epidemics affecting areas were not without significance when considering traveling in search for work by journeymen. Since the 15th/16th century, in some guilds from the presented locations, journeymen's travel became a statutory, obligatory duty, the fulfillment of which allowed to achieve full journeyman rights, and later enabled the candidates to initiate process aiming at the highest accomplishment: the title of master craftsman.


migrations; craft guilds; journeymen's travels

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/rh.2023.55.103-118
Date of publication: 2023-07-20 09:56:25
Date of submission: 2022-12-09 12:46:34


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