Stanisław Lubieniecki – a Dilettante Compiler. Polemic against Sylwia Konarska-Zimnicka’s Paper “Theatrum Cometicum by Stanisław Lubieniecki the Younger as an Example of Astronomical-Astrological Interests of Arians”

Maciej Jasiński


Contrary to statements made by S. Konarska-Zimnicka in her paper Theatrum cometicum by Stanisław Lubieniecki the Younger as an Example of Astronomical-Astrological Interests of Arians (“Res Historica” 2016, 42, pp. 101–126), Lubieniecki was neither an experienced astronomer, nor an astronomer at all. His interest in comets and celestial objects was accidental and amateurish. He fulfilled it by his correspondence with various scholars. He asked them about their opinions on celestial phenomena while he said nothing of his own. His book Theatrum cometicum (Amstelodami 1666–1668) is a compilation of data from different sources and contains no own views by the author. Lubieniecki made no statement on any astronomical issue, including heliocentric model of the Universe. He rather focused on astrological matter and discussed with common belief that comets cause calamities. Therefore, he cannot be called “an astronomer” but rather “a compiler” and “a dilettante”.


astronomy, astrology, Polish Brethren, comets, determinism, Stanisław Lubieniecki the Younger (1623–1675), Theatrum cometicum (Amstelodami 1666–1668)

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Date of publication: 2018-07-13 12:28:59
Date of submission: 2018-07-13 12:12:14


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