Map of Albi as a Geopolitical Cryptogram. A Proposal for a New Interpretation

Piotr Kochanek


This article on the one hand is intended to present the history of research on the Albi map, and on the other, to show that the map is essentially a graphical cryptogram. The essence of this cryptogram is the schematic shape of the Mediterranean, which resembles the shape of a human head. The head has a horrible, almost diabolical profile, and its face is turned to the left, towards the geographical North. The lands surrounding this profile serve only as a kind of portrait framework. The analysis of this caricatural cryptogram, taking into account the time and place of the map’s creation and the geopolitical context, suggests that the anonymous author of the Albi map seems to silently accuse the leaders of the Christian world of allowing Islam to dominate the Mediterranean.


Map of Albi; Anthropomorphism; Geopolitical Cryptogram; Europe; North; Rome; Christianity; Islam

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Date of publication: 2020-12-21 13:05:08
Date of submission: 2019-01-17 08:50:31


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