On Alexander, Who in Carthage ‘Had Foolishly Usurped the Supreme Power’ Under Roma’s Sign. Guillaume Malingue, The Coinage of Domitius Alexander (308–310 AD), Ausonius éditions, Numismatica Antiqua 9, Bordeaux 2018, pp. 170

Agata Aleksandra Kluczek


The article discusses Guillaume Malingue’s book devoted to the coinage of L. Domitius Alexander, a usurper in North Africa (308/309–310). Moreover, the content of his coins issued in Carthage was analysed, seeking the ideological priorities of the usurper. On the one hand, Domitius Alexander emphasised African regionalism and indicated the centre of his actual power: Carthage. On the other hand, the usurper exhibited his relationship with Rome and emphasised that it was Roma who sanctioned his rule.


L. Domitius Alexander; usurper; Roman coin

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/rh.2019.48.293-306
Date of publication: 2019-12-23 08:29:05
Date of submission: 2019-10-05 23:32:53


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