The Priests of Mogilev province among the parish clergy of the Orthodox Chełm diocese in 1905–1918. Biographical notes
The present biographical notes are a fragment of the analytical study in preparation, titled “Bibliographical Dictionary of the Parish Clergy of Chełm Orthodox Diocese in 1905-1918 [Słownik biograficzny duchowieństwa parafialnego prawosławnej diecezji chełmskiej w latach 1905–1918]”. This is the result of a several-year archival and library research conducted in Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, and Russian Federation. The bibliographical notes are based on the rule that analytical data about each priest should be presented. The notes focused on the territorial and social background, education, date of ordainment as deacon and as priest, date of receiving the title of protoierey, positions held in the parish, deanery, and diocese administration, positions in the school system, marital status (wife, children, their education), etc. All dates in the biographical entries were given according to the Julian calendar.
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Date of publication: 2015-07-09 13:10:32
Date of submission: 2015-07-08 10:55:49
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(c) 2015 Krzysztof Latawiec
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