Russia’s Disinformation against Ukraine in the 21st Century

Alina Sukach


In the article, the author analyzes the essence and specificity of information warfare, which as a phenomenon has existed since ancient times and is today a global resource. The methods and means of information warfare are an inseparable element of modern armed conflicts, which can lead to tragic consequences. The article reveals the reasons for the aggressive information policy of the Russian Federation towards Ukraine. Attention is drawn to some historical premises of the information confrontation between Russia and Ukraine. The main tools and methods of conducting the information war on the part of the Russian Federation are described, the main psychoinformation manipulation technologies are defined, which are used to shape specific mental attitudes, both among our own and Ukrainian society. Attention was drawn to the activity of Russian satellite channels, radio stations, broadcasts of Russian film productions, programs with their distorted ideology, aimed at undermining European values and inciting interethnic hostility, including language manipulation, religious and economic problems.


information war, hybrid war, information policy, Russian-Ukrainian war

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Date of publication: 2023-12-31 17:00:30
Date of submission: 2022-12-09 00:31:50


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