Cultural diplomacy as the tool for promoting the development of relations between Ukraine and Romania in the cultural and humanitarian sphere

Liubov Melnychuk


In the article cultural diplomacy is analysed as an instrument of foreign policy of the modern state. The essence and features of cultural diplomacy are defined. It is characterized its place and importance in the foreign policy of the state. Specificities of the development of international cultural communication in modern Ukraine are highlighted. The peculiarities of cultural interaction between Ukraine and Romania are described. It is noted that the cultural and information centеr within the Embassy of Ukraine in Romania is one of the centеrs of cooperation between Ukraine and Romania in the cultural and humanitarian sphere. Over the years of the centеr’s work, its activities have been aimed at strengthening bilateral relations between Ukraine and Romania, deepening mutual cooperation in the cultural, humanitarian and informational spheres. The centеr promotes spreading of information in Romania about Ukraine, its history and culture, tourist opportunities and attractiveness, strengthening ties with the Ukrainian minority, helping to satisfy its national and cultural needs.


cultural diplomacy, cultural communication, foreign policy of the state, Cultural and Information Centеr, Ukraine, Romania


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Date of publication: 2023-12-31 17:00:37
Date of submission: 2023-12-31 14:16:00


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