Theoretical and Methodological Problems of the State in Modern Political Science Discourse

Александра Глухова


The modern state is challenging with changings in traditional understanding and perception of its nature and properties, including the sovereignty and competitiveness. In the XXI century, both the safe a turesarevital. There are some reasons of it. State loses the political entity status and sovereign tyisused as a resource of the protection of national interests. Moreover, the political success is determined by the level of state competitiveness, it means legal capacity of public institutions and the high quality of decisions. Low quality of the state is undermining its competitiveness and there for a sovereignty.


sovereignty, globalization, competitiveness, glocalization, extra system conflict, risks, methodological nationalism, cosmopolitan paradigm, inclusive sovereignty



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Date of publication: 2019-06-27 07:23:29
Date of submission: 2019-06-26 10:41:28


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