Decoding Online Consumer Behaviour Towards Counterfeits: Insights from Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Framework
Theoretical background: Counterfeiting poses a significant global challenge, negatively impacting businesses and consumers. This issue has been exacerbated by the rapid growth of online shopping, which has increased the availability and accessibility of counterfeit products. Despite the growing prevalence of counterfeit goods in the online marketplace, there remains a substantial research gap in understanding the dynamics of online counterfeit consumption. Previous studies have primarily focused on offline counterfeit markets, leaving a void in the literature regarding the unique factors that influence consumer behaviour and intentions in the digital environment.
Purpose of the article: The aim of the article is to examine the factors influencing consumer behaviour and intentions in the context of purchasing counterfeits online. The conducted systematic review aims to fill the existing research gap by identifying new and overlooked themes and suggesting directions for future research in this area.
Research methods: The article integrates empirical studies on online counterfeit purchases conducted between 2008 and 2024. The analysed articles were classified based on the year of publication, research methodologies, and characteristics of the study population.
Main findings: The review identifies four thematic categories: person-centric, social and cultural, market-related, and risk-related themes. The insights provide valuable guidelines for researchers, highlighting areas for further investigation, and offer practical recommendations for policymakers and marketers to combat counterfeiting and protect consumer interests online.
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Date of publication: 2024-10-26 13:52:06
Date of submission: 2024-08-26 16:16:38
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