Main Directions of Changes in Road Transport of Goods in Poland

Radosław Gajewski


Theoretical background: Road transport is the key type of transport in Poland in terms of servicing the domestic and international market. Since Poland entered the European Union, there has been a systematic, spatially diverse increase in the number of transport companies.

Purpose of the article: The aim of the article is to analyze the main changes that are occurring in Polish road transport based on the data of the Central Statistical Office in Warsaw from 2004–2023. Particular emphasis has been placed on the comprehensive coverage of the changes that have occurred in the recent period in the road transport sector in Poland. Attention was paid to the issue of green transformation of the road transport sector and the use of alternative fuels.

Research methods: The study used basic statistical methods to analyze the structure and dynamics of changes that occurred in the road transport sector in Poland during the period under study. Regression analysis was carried out to determine the directions of the changes taking place. The analyses were based on official databases and data published by the Central Statistical Office. The comprehensive scope of the analysis included the use of data covering trucks by load capacity, vehicle age, type of fuel used, cargo transport, number of employees and turnover. The study also used data on transportation in export and import operations.

Main findings: The results of the study demonstrate that road transport in Poland is strongly dependent on international export and import operations directed primarily towards Germany. The existing fleet of trucks uses primarily diesel fuel, which indicates a huge potential for investment in alternative fuel sources. Mazovian and Greater Poland voivodeships (provinces) play a leading role in road transport in terms of the number of tractor units, as their territories are intersected by Pan-European Corridor II.


road transport; trucks; freight transport; cargo transport; Poland

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Date of publication: 2024-12-20 09:59:49
Date of submission: 2024-09-02 18:34:24


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