The Rationale and Consequences of Interests’ Conflicts in the Area of Capital Concentration

Danuta Barbara Kozłowska-Makóś


Decisions on merger or takeover belong to the most difficult and risky. They cause a lot of changes, not only in the area of core business, but also social. The issue of hidden information arising from the uncertainty of the environment is important. This asymmetry may occur because of an agent acting whose course or outcome is not known to the principal – the so-called hidden action of the manager. Specific consequences are created by nature of the transaction, friendly or hostile, as well as the accompanying conflicts of interests. The purpose of this article is – based on the literature – an attempt to identify potential interests’ conflicts in mergers and acquisitions.


mergers and acquisitions; capital concentration; conflicts of interests; corporate social responsibility

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Date of publication: 2018-02-27 16:38:03
Date of submission: 2017-05-12 10:21:04


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