The increased importance of geolocation in retail trade in Poland – selected aspects of activities

Beata Reformat


The article presents geolocation as a modern form of communication with consumers, which is based on new methods of sending information. This modern technological solution is increasingly used by enterprises in various industries, including retail entities. It has a very wide range of applications from the perspective of marketing activities of trade entities. Geolocation can be used in the process of the analysis, planning and implementation of the marketing activities accompanying market research, the segmentation process or the composition of marketing mix tools. The article applies secondary research in the form of a critical analysis of the literature, including the analysis of activities of selected entities who are leaders in the application of geolocation.


geolocation; marketing communication; retail trade

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Date of publication: 2019-10-25 19:36:12
Date of submission: 2019-01-15 11:40:15


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