Formation of Tolerance as a Component of Professional Competence of the Modern Pedagogue

Nadiia Dudnyk, Oleksandra Sviontyk


This article examines the issue of the quality of pedagogue preparation for professional activity, particularly tolerance as a behavioral social competence, psychological character trait, and educational worldview position. The relevance of the research topic is outlined from the standpoint of the importance of regulating social interactions between pedagogues and participants in the educational process, the public, and as a necessary personal quality of character. The problem of self-development of the individual on the path of developing professional competencies using innovative methods is presented for consideration. The modern requirements for the process of forming a pedagogue who is able to think independently, owns emotions and adequately demonstrates feelings, and demonstrates constructive relationships in professional activities are emphasized. This research delves into a refined understanding of “pedagogical tolerance” by incorporating insights from contemporary scientists and practicing educators. The article outlines avenues for fostering tolerance as a character trait of modern teachers, emphasizing self-development, refinement of personal value convictions, and organizational and image-related manifestations during interactions in educational activities. This article explores the significance of tolerance as a psychological readiness for professional interaction among future educators. It highlights the development of empathy skills and the ability to engage in constructive criticism without causing offense. The article also emphasizes the importance of pedagogical preparation grounded in a humanistic worldview, the practical implementation of a partnership model of behavior, and the ability to combat bullying. The authors endorse Vasyl Sukhomlynsky’s pedagogy of facilitation, which adopts a child-centered approach. The paper presents methods for cultivating tolerant relationships and outlines educational tasks for teacher preparation, where external and internal manifestations of tolerance are interconnected and become personal convictions. This article presents a perspective on enhancing pedagogue professionalism through the integration of psychological theory, active refinement of communication style, and the implementation of innovative educational practices to create a supportive learning environment. Finally, the article highlights the need for further exploration of societal perspectives on the significance of fostering constructive tolerant relationships in a diverse society where individuals hold varying religious, political, and gender beliefs.


pedagogical tolerance; pedagogue preparation; pedagogue image; counteracting bullying

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Date of publication: 2025-03-14 12:08:40
Date of submission: 2024-10-02 12:15:20


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