E-learning and Communication between Teachers and the Student with Asperger's Syndrome in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Research Report

Hanna Małgorzata Żuraw


Introduction: This study deals with the importance of e-learning for working with a student with special educational needs. As such, it shows the importance of the media for the important element of social life, which is education.

Research Aim: The subject of the research were teachers' opinions on remote education of children with Asperger syndrome.

Research Method: The research method was an interview in the form of a partially planned interview, for which a list of instructions was prepared.

Results: The use of e-learning in the COVID-19 pandemic took the form of an extensive didactic and social experiment, not previously implemented in a crisis situation. It took place in a special way – quickly, without prior recognition – which brings to mind the strategy used in the military operations and the fight against its benefits and unavoidable losses, called “recognition”. A lot has changed in the work of teachers and their communication with students and their parents. E-learning of students with Asperger syndrome has brought a number of benefits – developing skills that were overlooked in the regular course of teaching with its emphasis on the rapid pace of the curriculum implementation.

Conclusion: Education has offered opportunities to minimize the educational effects of school closures during the epidemic. It was a kind of success in the implementation of a wide-ranging didactic experiment, the introduction of which bore the hallmarks of combat recognition; in the language of the army.


Teacher, e-learning, change, barriers, opportunities, Asperger's syndrome

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/lrp.2022.41.3.195-205
Date of publication: 2022-12-07 21:19:11
Date of submission: 2022-04-21 11:23:37


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