Parents of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities Towards Circles of Support as a Model of Community Service to Support Social Inclusion - a Focus Group Research Report

Agnieszka Beata Żyta


Introduction: Circles of Support are an example of activities that support the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities and their “secure future” in the local environment. An important element influencing their success is, among other things, to know the expectations and activities of parents of adults with intellectual disabilities related to the preparation of their daughters and sons for an independent life in an inclusive local environment.

Research Aim: The aim of the study was to find out how parents of adults with intellectual disabilities evaluate activities that prepare them for a “secure future” and what expectations they have of Circles of Support as solutions to support independent living in the local environment.

Method: An interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to explore the opinions, plans for the future, and hopes and fears about participation in Circles of Support expressed by mothers and fathers. The study was conducted using focus interviews with eighteen parents of adults with intellectual disabilities.

Results: Analysis of the material identified three overarching themes. The overarching themes included: (1) the importance of Circles of Support for people with intellectual disabilities and their families, (2) concerns and hopes related to Circles of Support and (3) needs and ideas related to developing the idea of Circles of Support.

Conclusion: The results can be used by professionals working in institutions supporting people with intellectual disabilities to improve cooperation with their families, to better respond to their needs, and develop the idea of building Circles of Support.


parents, adults with intellectual disabilities, Circles of Support, “secure futures”, social inclusion, focus research

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Date of publication: 2022-12-07 21:19:04
Date of submission: 2022-08-21 23:55:45


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