Existential value of musical creativity (characteristics and semantic orientation)

Viktoriia Poliuha


The basis of the research is a semantic analysis of existential value in the context of the interpretation of musical creativity. The aim of the article is to interpret the value-related nature of music as existential creation. The methodology of the research has been determined by the integral approach, which involves combining general scientific concepts with the method of analysis, synthesis, and summarizing. The method of comparative analysis and analogy, which is applied to the interpretation of such categories as creativity, music and existence, has also been used in the study. The topicality of the research is reflected in the contemporary educational concept, which considers the interpretation of value-related issues to be a method of more substantial interpretation of an individual’s development level, his/her role status of a personality, which, in turn, determines social opportunities in educational activities. In the conclusions, the author proves that music becomes creative work only in the existential area, since only a person’s existence has a unique creative potential to display personal characteristics in life. Therefore, modern science cannot remain uninvolved in the consideration of the issues of the new age.


philosophical reflection; value-based essence; being; personality; music; creation; creativity; existence

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/lrp.2018.37.2.153-162
Date of publication: 2018-11-21 09:27:20
Date of submission: 2017-10-16 06:56:37


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