Initiators of changes in the upbringing and education of children in the „Pedagogical Movement” in the first half of the 20th century

Ewa Barnaś-Baran


The aim of the article was to investigate what profiles of education reformers were presented in „Ruch Pedagogiczny” („Pedagogical Movement”), what views and actions of these people were recollected to teachers and promoted as a valuable example to follow. The content of the magazine’s individual yearbooks was analyzed from its creation in 1912 to 1939. Qualitative analysis of the source material was used. It was discovered that „Ruch Pedagogiczny” („Pedagogical Movement”), published information (articles, chronicle notes) popularizing education and educational traditions. It emphasized the relationship between tradition and innovative assumptions in the field of education and upbringing. Showing the profiles of selected representatives from antiquity to modern times, the need to engage in changes, their implementation, and promotion among other teachers was stressed. A creative, active and patriotic attitude was popularized. Most of the articles were devoted to Poles, especially teachers. They were also written about people who were not directly connected to education, but strongly supported the reforms of education and upbringing with their activities. At the beginning of the 20th century, interest in innovative trends in education and training increased. The discoveries of „Ruch Pedagogiczny” („Pedagogical Movement”) show the teachers’ attention was mostly drawn to the necessity to learn more about pedagogical novelties, yet the pedagogical past was not forgotten. Attempts were made to show the achievements of different figures from the history of education and children’s upbringing, awakening the need for active participation in the changes, referring to the examples from the past.


„Pedagogical Movement”; education and training reforms; outstanding pedagogical figures

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Date of publication: 2020-04-09 11:30:43
Date of submission: 2019-09-05 11:13:26


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