Translating Third Culture Elements in Light of Scenes-and-Frames Semantics

Michał Gąska


The object of the translational considerations made within the framework of this article are the elements of the third culture, which are an indication of literary multilingualism and multiculturalism. In the example of the novel Pachinko by Min Jin Lee and its renderings in German and Polish, the influence of translational interventions on the image of the third culture among the recipients of the translations is demonstrated. The paradigm of anthropocentric translatorics as well as the scenes-and-frames-semantics serve as the theoretical-methodological foundation of the analysis presented here. The aim of this contribution is to illustrate how translators influence the image (the scene) of the elements of the third culture among the recipients of the translations through the use of explicative translation techniques.


translation; third culture elements; scenes-and-frames-semantics; frame, scene; explication

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Date of publication: 2024-12-19 12:32:57
Date of submission: 2024-06-20 17:39:23


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