Diverse nature of literacy: The sociocultural perspective

Izabela Dąbrowska


Considering the pace of the contemporary changes in the world, largely due to global trends and rapid development of media technology, it is commonly accepted that literacy cannot connote reading and writing any more as it did until several years ago. Much broader conceptualisations of what literary practices stand for are needed as people actually use literacy in diverse contexts and for different purposes. These are offered by sociocultural theories and approaches, which, despite being dissimilar with one another, do not undermine the traditional views on literacy and its practices but forward new
complex and inclusive ways of understanding the phenomenon


literacy, sociocultural orientation, diverse approaches

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/lsmll.2019.43.3.33-43
Date of publication: 2019-11-14 10:37:26
Date of submission: 2019-03-22 09:01:28


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