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Author Guidelines


Author fees
The journal does not charge for submission and processing or publication of the manuscript.

1. The annual journal Belarusian Studies encourages submissions of previously unpublished scholarly articles. The submission of an article to the journal indicates the author's consent to its publication both on paper and in electronic form on the journal's website (

2. The journal Belarusian Studies contains materials in Polish, Belarusian and the following congress languages: Russian, English, and German.

3. Materials for publication should be submitted in electronic form via the UMCS Journal Platform, following registration at: The articles submitted should be written in a common word processor, preferably in newer versions of Microsoft Word for Windows. In the case of less common editors, an RTF file should also be attached. The text should be written with the automatic hyphenation function switched off and without non-breakable spaces. Font format: Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.5. The page number should be placed at the bottom of the page, centred under the text. If the text contains unusual fonts, attach them as auxiliary files. Drawings, charts, tables, photographs should be submitted as separate files. The layout of the illustrations must be indicated in the text.

4. Please adhere to the following order:

Author (first and last name): in original language and transcribed into English in the case of Eastern scripts (official transcription from passport).

Affiliation: in Polish and English.

E-mail address.


Title in original language, English, Polish, and Belarusian (if English, Polish or Belarusian is the original language, it should appear first).

Abstracts and keywords (3–5) in English, Polish, and Belarusian.


Bibliography (in the following order: bibliography of primary sources, bibliography of secondary sources, as in the APA style guidelines).

5. In reviews, the text should be preceded with information (in bold) on the work being reviewed [first and last name of author, title (in italics), publishing house, year and place of publication, number of pages]. The first and last name of the author of the review is placed under the text (in italics, on the right side). The same principle applies to book notes.

6. In conference reports, the text should be preceded with the title of the conference (text font), as well as its date (day, month, year) and location. The first and last name of the author of the report is placed under the text (in italics, on the right side).

7. The following information on the author should be submitted with the text (as an auxiliary file): first and last name, academic degree and title, place of work (university or other institution, chair/department, position, address), e-mail (preferably official), mailing address, major subject, academic interests, and list of five most important publications. The submission of personal data indicates the author's consent to its publication both on paper and in electronic form.

8. Length of articles and review articles (contains bibliographical references and is subject to a review process): not less than half a publisher's sheet (20 000 characters incl. spaces) and not more than one publisher's sheet (40 000 characters incl. spaces). When calculating the length of the article, take into account all the elements listed in point 3, as well as tables, charts and photographs. Length of analytical reviews: not more than 10 000 characters. Length of book notes: not more than 4000 characters; length of conference reports and biographies: not more than 6000 characters.

9. Short citations are enclosed in quotation marks, longer ones (more than 3 lines) are distinguished graphically using a 10 pt font, single line spacing.

10. Date format: 12 XI 2016, for old/new style dates: 27 II/11 III 1896.

11. Centuries should be written as two-digit numbers: the 19th century. Decades should be written as four-digit numbers: the 1960s.

12. Latin abbreviations should be kept out of the main body of the text. They should not be italicized.

13. When referencing an institution for the first time, provide its full name along with the acronym; use only the acronym thereafter. Example: The Central Citizens' Committee (Centralny Komitet Obywatelski, CKO) was established in Petrograd in 1915. In the following years, CKO members were engaged in aid activities in Russia.

14. In the case of commonly used acronyms (e.g. USSR, NKVD, KGB, BNP) the full name is not required.

15. The use of footnotes (10 pt, single spacing) should be limited; use them only for additional information that broadens the subject.

Bibliographic references related to source literature are placed within the text in line with the APA style guidelines.

16. The texts submitted to the journal Belarusian Studies must be grammatically correct and follow the requirements laid down by the Editorial Board. The texts not conforming to these requirements will not be accepted for publication.

17. Failure by the author to respond to the Editorial Board's request to provide the data necessary for publication or to modify the text, as well as failure to carry out an author's correction within the given deadline will be equivalent to withholding the text from publication.

18. The authors of the articles published in the journal Belarusian Studies will receive 1 copy of the issue free of charge.

19. The author of the publication shall be responsible for any liability arising from copyrights and publishing rights.

20. All forms of plagiarism and autoplagiarism will be viewed by the Editorial Staff as academic misconduct. The Editorial Staff will document and notify the relevant institutions of any breach or violation of the ethical rules pertaining to scholarly activity.

21. A completed and signed copy of the agreement between the Publishing House and the author of the publication must be delivered before the publication of the text.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal. Additionally, you have ready to attach with your article signed percentage of author`s work declaration.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  7. Please note!

    Dear Author, here you will find a hint how to properly upload your article.


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