Mediatization of History: the Ukrainian Context

Olena Szevchenko


The article examines the phenomenon of mediatization, namely the mediatization of history, which is proposed to be considered as an increase in the role of traditional and new media in the creation, interpretation and dissemination of information about historical events of the past and the processes of the present, providing access to this information and formation at the personal, interpersonal and group levels interaction of the audience's attitude to historical events and modern facts. It is shown that the effectiveness of history mediatization technologies is explained by the powerful development of both traditional and new media. The author shows that the mediatization of history, on the one hand, has become a trend of the 21st century, when historical media projects are gaining more and more popularity and find their audience through documentaries, own documentary projects of TV channels, the Internet, social networks, YouTube, films on historical topics, and on the other hand, it is used as a tool of the political ideology of the state. A conclusion is made about the use of mediatization tools both for explaining historical events and facts and forming the civic position of the audience, and for falsifying the historical past, imposing false myths and stereotypes on the mass consciousness.

Ключевые слова

Mediatization, media, history, manipulation, consciousness, public opinion, media environment.

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Date of publication: 2024-12-27 21:07:32
Date of submission: 2024-12-27 16:18:19


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