Bibliometric Analysis in Family Business Brands

Marek Goliński, Klaudia Hojka


Theoretical background: Family businesses are a key aspect of the Polish economy. These are businesses that remain under the control of the family or are managed by family members, often passed down from generation to generation. Their importance in Poland is particularly visible in the context of the numerous small and medium enterprises that form the core of the Polish economy. These businesses often have a rich history and heritage that can provide a solid foundation for building a strong brand.

Purpose of the article: The aim of this article is to present a bibliometric analysis in the area of family business brands. This analysis will provide a better understanding of the current literature base and detect areas for further research.

Research methods: The research method used was a bibliometric analysis, including citation and co-occurrence analysis of keywords using the VOSviewer programme, of articles from the Scopus international database. 58 publications from 1999 to 2023, focusing on the topic of family business brands, were selected and analysed. In order to conduct the most precise analysis, research questions such as the following were formulated: Who are the most influential authors publishing in the research field (in terms of citations) and who publishes the most? or What is a keyword network?

Main findings: An increase in the number of publications on family business brands has been noticed, especially since 2018. The highest number of publications appeared in 2023. In total, publications were cited 1,456 times, with the highest number of citations (384) in 2018. The average number of citations per year was 112. The most cited article is “Concealing or revealing the family?: Corporate brand identity strategies in family firms” by Micelotta and Raynard (2011), with 173 citations. The largest number of publications comes from the category “Business, Management, and Accounting”. The most influential authors in this field are Prügl and Botero. Research emphasises the importance of integrating family values into marketing strategies and building customer trust, which can be the basis for further research and practical applications in brand management of family firms.


brand; family business; family business brands; Scopus; VOSviewer

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Date of publication: 2024-10-26 13:52:01
Date of submission: 2024-09-09 18:17:23


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