Perception of Family and Non-Family Company Logos in Eye Tracking and Face Reading Studies

Ewa Więcek-Janka, Sylwia Łukaszewicz, Katarzyna Sukiennik, Alicja Śliwińska


Theoretical background: This article continues the research on the use of eye tracking and face reading tools to analyze and meaning of visual and emotional activity in the marketing field. This research focuses on understanding how different elements of the visual identity of companies, both family-owned and non-family-owned, affect consumer perception and emotion.

Purpose of the article: The purpose of the study was to identify and characterize differences in the perception of logos of family and non-family businesses. The work aimed to determine whether family brands evoke stronger emotional and visual engagement compared to non-family brands.

Research methods: The paper presents the methodology and results of the completed research on the elements of visual identity of family and non-family businesses. The study was carried out using eye tracking (eye tracking) and monitoring of respondents’ facial expressions (face reading). Data on respondents’ visual activity and facial expression were collected in parallel and subjected to qualitative analysis.

Main findings: The results of the study confirm that consumers show greater emotional involvement in exploring family brands. They registered a higher percentage of positive emotions and a longer time of focusing their eyes on logos of family-owned companies compared to logos of non-family-owned companies. This analysis provides valuable information for marketing strategies, indicating the importance of family identity in building positive brand associations.


family business; non-family business; marketing; visual identity; logo; eye tracking; face reading; brand; brand management

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Date of publication: 2024-10-26 13:52:19
Date of submission: 2024-09-14 21:18:48


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