Spatial paradigm as a methodological basis for the study of regional development

Mykhailo Gedz


The article researches the evolution of the concept of "space" that is evolving and self-developing cyclically at each point where there is an informational program of development. The article defines    spatial paradigm as a methodology that examines the process and result of the economic and spatial development based on principles of self-development. The article proves the difference between the space and the region in the economic concept of these terms. The article determines concept of economic space, and identifies its two types: the first is characterized by a strong internal structure and weak interconnectivity with the world, the second type - the transnational spaces - is shaped by migration and leads to contradictions such as "globalization vs. regionalization". Also the article determines that the spatial paradigm does not put before itself the task of building a "comprehensive" interpretation of concepts and ideas, but realizes an attempt to identify new spatial formations, layers and environ- ments, disharmonious development of which provokes the emergence of global problems, inducing expression of instability.

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Date of publication: 2015-05-26 17:08:40
Date of submission: 2015-05-23 21:35:13


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